Malayalam Mega star Mammootty's Mega project Ee Pattanathil Bhootham is now all set to release by July 9th in around 111 screens all across Kerala. This new film is said to be a mass entertainer and is expected to do an amazing business at the Malayalam box office.
This film was directed by Johny Antony and scripted by the team of Sibi.K Thomas and Udaya Krishnan.Kavya in in the female lead.major attraction of the film is that Mammootty is going to dance for a remix song Chaam Chakka Chom Chakka…, from the late action hero Jayan’s 1980 film Love in Singapore. The song has Mammootty dressed up to resemble Jayan of the late 70’s in a garish yellow bell bottoms and red giant size collar shirt tucked in with a huge belt with a mega size buckle.last year, Superstar Mohanlal too had danced for a remix song in his last year's hit film Chotta Mumbai. Let's hope just like that song this one too get noticed.